This site does not represent a newspaper as it is updated without any periodicity, therefore it cannot be considered an editorial product.

We pay the utmost attention to the copyright of third-party material used in the articles, but if – unintentionally – material subject to copyright or otherwise in violation of the law is published, please notify us using the contact form at the end of this article. Such material will be removed immediately upon becoming aware of the infringement.

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We further decline any responsibility for any inappropriate content or links contained in comments on articles or pages or in any area of ​​the blog. Comments deemed offensive or inappropriate will be promptly removed as soon as they are read by the author and in the event that some of them unintentionally go out of sight, they will be promptly deleted as soon as a notification is received.

All texts and images included in this blog, (unless otherwise specified), are my property and, therefore, can only be used upon written request.

The information contained in this blog represents my personal opinion, is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate. In any case, they could contain inaccuracies or be vitiated by typographical errors. The authors therefore reserve the right to modify, update or delete the contents of the blog without notice.

The information on this blog is for illustrative purposes only and does not in any way constitute a medical consultation. In no case, this information replaces a consultation, a visit or a diagnosis made by the doctor. They should not be considered as suggestions for formulating a diet without first consulting a general practitioner or specialist. The use of the information is therefore under the responsibility, control and discretion of the user only.

For any decision regarding your state of health, please contact your doctor.

The nutritional power of some foods may not yet have been accepted or ascertained by official medicine, therefore it cannot be excluded that they may prove to be ineffective or harmful to health.

All the information on is the exclusive result of my personal experience for which any information and / or advice does not want or pretend to have any medical / scientific basis.

Despite the scrupulous care taken in processing them, it is not possible to guarantee that the information provided is free from errors.

In no case can the author be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, or problems caused by the use of the aforementioned information, by the food suggestions proposed or by the self-assessment tools provided in this blog.

Before embarking on any diet plan, always consult your doctor; the information provided cannot be considered as medical prescriptions or indications and you are free to follow them assuming all responsibility for any consequences deriving from an incorrect interpretation of the same and / or for any other reason inherent to them.

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